I bought 5 call, contract of the Sep. $37.00 strike on the QQQQ on 7-20 for $1.92 and sold them on 7-23 for $2.82 a 46 percent profit.Also bought 2 Fluor CORP call, contracts of the OCT. $45.0 strike on 7-16 at $7.30 and sold them on 7-23 for $8.70 for a 19 percent profit.Was thinking of holding on to them but got nerves with all the talk about a pull back.Right now I have 2 call, contract of Amzn the SEP. $85.0 strike and its up 8 percent.It's hard to sit and wait with all the talk about a retracement ever day.I've sold several contracts already just to watch them go up over the next couple of days.That's alright though as long as I made some money on them.
Thanks for all the help.
Mark W.