Mr. Ed
Friday, September 30, 2011
- XLF put 71% gain 9/23
- GE put 56% gain
- CVX put 46% gain
- TZA call 51% gain
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Hi Jerry,
Thank you for the recent recommendations and guidance with respect to market activity. The FAZ recommendations proved to be particularly helpful as follows:
8/30: Bought FAZ Oct call at $8.20; sold 9/6 at $17.63; a $937 gain
9/19: Bought FAZ Oct call at $8.20; sold 9/22 at $18.70; a $1044 gain
Both trades exceeded 110% ROI! As a new trader (finished course 1 back in June), who has struggled with the way the market has chopped sideways in the 1st few months I have been trading, I needed to hit a couple out of the park! I am very grateful for your blog and all the help the course provided. Thank you.
Take Care,
Sunday, September 25, 2011
It is often said that the fundamentals tell you what to buy and the technicals tell you when to buy them. In other words, the charts can help you with the timing. One of the things that has bothered me over the last few months, on the gold and silver charts, is that we appeared to have a wave A down (the May move in silver and the August move in gold) which was followed by a wave B up. It felt like we needed to get one more move down (wave C) before we could get the next big rally that we were all expecting. This was one of the reasons why I recommended puts on the GLD a few weeks ago. The silver chart was harder to read since the "B" wave back up was somewhat erratic. I could see a scenario back in July where silver could have completed it's ABC pattern and was possibly on the next move higher. I entered a trade on the SLV in case the rally was underway. Some of these early bullish trades worked out okay, but I was also stopped out of a few. We (Chaz and I) were expecting the possibility that silver could drop before making that next move up. On September 19th, the SLV made it's first solid close below its 50 day MA. The trend was still up, but the chart was saying that the sellers were gaining control. This doesn't mean that a downtrend will follow, but it usually tells me not to add any new bullish positions....and to make sure I have stops in place for my current positions (if it was in your plan to use a stop. In a call option trade, you might have been willing to risk the entire amount in the trade). As the selling increased, it became apparent that we could be in the "C" wave of a larger bullish ABC pattern. If you look at the longer term chart (weekly chart) of the SLV and GLD, you can see this possible bullish ABC pattern more clearly. The next question would be, "How much further can we fall?". One thing I pointed out in an earlier posting was that there were too many people out there saying to buy gold on this drop. When I see a lot of people recommending to buy something after a big drop, it usually means that it isn't done dropping. Stocks, in particular, tend to bottom out when no one wants to buy them. I think that gold and silver will continue to drop (in the short term) until people are afraid to buy them. Based on a Fibonacci projection measurement of that possible bullish ABC pattern, the SLV could still drop to around the $22 to $26 range. My theory is that the market will continue to drop to the 1040 area on the S&P 500 and that silver (and gold) could also continue to drop (although gold and silver could stop dropping before the market stops dropping). At that point, I could see the market start to rally. If the market starts to rally, I can easily see money managers out there getting out of Treasuries and moving into gold and silver. This is where I could see the big rally taking place in silver and gold. It would also likely move just as fast to the upside and it did to the downside. That would keep Chaz's end of the year target on track.
This finally leads me to my second point. No one knows the absolute future movement of a stock (or commodity). We can give a probabilistic outlook (which will often be right), but we can't give an absolute outlook. You can never keep betting your entire account on one probabilistic outcome. It may work many times in a row, but eventually it isn't going to work. It's like betting it all on black at the roulette table. You could be right 10 times in a row, but eventually it is going to land on red. When that happens, you could end up losing everything. Money management is the most important part of trading. Trade management is second. If you used good money and trade management techniques with Chaz's latest recommendations, you would still have a large portion of your trading account ready to capitalize on a future rally. You might still have a draw down, but it would likely be in a more acceptable range (15% to 25%). If you didn't use good money and trade management, you could be stuck with a 60% to 80% draw down in your account....hoping for a rally to bail you out. I think that a rally will likely come to bail you out, but what if it doesn't? If you survive this drop, I hope you take your money and trade management more seriously....because you might not get bailed out the next time. That's assuming that you get bailed out this time. Chaz is no more a market psychic than I am....but he is good. I'll let you know what the charts are telling me as I watch this trade over the next few months. We will also continue to welcome any updates from Chaz on any fundamental changes to the silver trade.
Hello again traders. This is the first time I have ever made commentary so close to prior commentary. So many questions in my email. Where to begin?......Throughout today, I saw many news blurbs and heard many comments on the Internet and CNBS...oops, I meant CNBC..... that said traders were dumping gold and silver in favor of cash. One talking head said the COMEX pits were filled with panicked sellers. Another said the Hedge Funds were abandoning the metals. NONE of this is true. We are watching a computer rigged High Frequency take down program designed to trigger a black box cascade of the Hedge Funds computerized pre-programmed asset and capital protection liquidation program. I guess I should explain this....Hedge Funds have computer trading programs that are designed to automatically buy or sell when certain price levels are hit. These predetermined price levels are known as "Black Boxes". The banksters, who sell massive quantities of contracts and options have created computer programs that trade with each other at high frequency on even a fraction of a penny's movement in price. These programs can trade thousands of trades per second. I cannot prove it but I do believe these programs can recognise the buy and sell orders from other computers which tell it which computers it is authorized to trade with and which ones it's not. I believe these programs are allowed to make a paltry token amount of trades with "unauthorized" computers so that a few small orders are filled so as to make it appear that the trading is fair. To prove my point, consider this..... Why are these computers able to make thousands of trades at the theoretic value of an option yet when you or I place a trade order, we have to make offers well above theoretic value if we want to get filled? You see the point now?.....These programs are designed to trade at such high speeds as to negate and ignore real trades placed by traders. As the price drops lower and lower, a black box trigger is hit causing many positions to be liquidated. The computers recognise this and begin to trade faster until the next black box it hit. This is repeated again and again causing a cascade of black box sell offs until the predetermined desired price level is reached at which point trading slows down and is stabilized and "contained". Interestingly enough, this phenomenon only seems to occur a few days to a week before option expiration. The Hedge Funds did not willingly sell their positions. They were tricked out of them. ........... I've said several times now that this retracement will be VERY short lived. Here is the proof. It was announced today that MARGINS on metals are being RAISED again ! ! ! I've lost count of how many times margins have been raised in the last 12 months buy I think its about 8 times now. Anyway , gold margin was $9450 per contract and is now $11,475 and silver was $21,600 and is now raised to $24,975. Now let me ask you a question. If we lose 20% of the value of a commodity in two days, why is a rise in margin levels necessary? And why did this raise come out of the blue without any prior hints or suggestion that it even might be raised? Not interesting enough for you? How about this? A number of central banks were happily buying large quantities of gold in the 1750 to 1850 range in the last few months. Gold is now on sale below 1675. If you were running a central bank and wanted out of dollars ,would you stop buying and wait for the price to get above 1750 before you start buying again? I'm just asking. .....One other little thing, I've been watching and trading gold and silver for 32 years now and I can tell you that this take down is the most brazen and criminal act I have ever seen in commodity trading. It is also the most aggressive and vicious I've ever seen. There is NOTHING to compare it to. ....Back to the margins. Because margins are being raised, it is likely that many traders will be forced to liquidate positions to raise capital to cover the new margin levels on Monday. Just before expiration. What convenient timing for the banksters. We may well see silver drop even more. Perhaps to $27. The story will likely be told Sunday night about 7pm in the Hong Kong market. .....I am very happy to say that I was filled on ALL of my outstanding orders this morning and I am prepared to buy more on Sunday night in the international market. Make no mistake here, this market will not stay suppressed. It will snap back very quickly and probably exceed its recent highs by a wide margin in as little as 30 days. This kind of market can make you rich very quickly or drive you into poverty just as fast if you don't know what you are doing. For the umpteenth time, PLEASE do NOT trade more than you are willing to lose. This is a rigged market. We have become very adept at guessing what is most likely to happen but the last few days have reminded us that we can not PREDICT exactly what a market will do. It seems my recent statement about volitile price swings coming sooner than anyone was prepared for was dead on. I think it's only going to get worse from here on out. But after the 27th it will be in both directions. This is an excellant market to play both sides but this should only be attemped by seasoned traders with deep pockets. If you are new to trading, don't even think about it. IF you can get filled, the Dec 30 and 35 calls are outstanding buys as are the March 40's. It's late, thats it, I'm tired, I'm done. Good luck and happy trades.....Chaz....Sept 24, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Good evening traders. My, oh my, what an interesting day. There is only one way to describe today's action. WHAT A WONDERFUL GIFT!!!!! I hope most of you realized what was happening and loaded up on Dec and March calls. There is so much to tell you that I don't know where to begin so I'll just dive in and trust you've learned enough by now to put it all together. .......... Today is a classic textbook example of why we do not trade contracts. This mornings open on the Dec contract was 39.67 and the close was 36.57. That's a 310 point loss. You would have lost $15,500.00 on EACH contract in your portfolio. Right now, your broker would be screaming at you to sell your house to cover your massive margin call. ...But... we own options, not contracts. Our options are temporarily out of the money but we still OWN them and no one is yelling at us. ....What we saw today was computer rigged high frequency trading designed to shake traders out of their positions by trying to panic them into selling. I don't think the shorts were able to buy back very many positions today. The ferocity of this attack was a little surprising but also VERY telling. It is very clear that the shorts are in a panic stage and want to cover as many positions as they can. I'm pretty sure the 30 year long manipulation in the metals market will end very soon . Possibly on Sept 27th. Thats expiration day......Now this is interesting. The uptrend line on the daily and weekly Dec chart has been broken but not on the monthly. That line is VERY solid. This bodes well. It means that this market is about to get VERY volitile. Today may well have been the opening gate. A few days ago I told you that any sell off would be very short lived. I managed to get filled on a very nice position today but I had to pay almost twice its theoretic value. I have outstanding orders more than double those I got filled on so I hope the shorts hit this market again tomorrow but I don't have my hopes up. I think it is probable that the worst is over but I hope not. I'd really like to see the rest of my orders filled. My offers are well above theoretic value. The very fact that these orders are not being filled makes it clear that panic is in session in the church of the shorts. They have raised the dead only to discover they have raised themselves. ......Let me make this VERY clear.... This sell off WILL be VERY short lived. I will not be surprised to see silver back near the 40.50 area by next Tuesdays close. Whether or not it is , is irrelevant. What matters is this market is about to get VERY volitile. Remember to take profits as I suggested when the targets are hit. Reread the other days newsletter to reconsider my suggestions. Trade as you wish but please trade wisely. Trade with your mind, not your emotions. Trade well my friends.................The following is intended for Jerry's students. Hi, everyone. The above comments are for commodity futures traders who are trading long term positions. Jerry does not teach this type of trading . If you are following his suggestions to trade along with what I teach ,then you should be trading the Jan SLV. I would strongly suggest that that you listen carefully to Jerry's suggestions in his blog and get in and out of this market as he recommends following the moving averages. This market may well be about to get wild and wooley. If you are unable to handle the mental stress of trading in a market you may not understand well,then I suggest you consider sitting on the sidelines and playing a calmer market. I've waited 30 for this cycle to come around. It's now here and things are going to be very exciting over the next few years. I'm not 100% sure the gate just opened but I am certain we just heard the trumpet blow. Its past post time. The race is beginning. Happy trades....Chaz
I took course 1 and 2 during the spring early summer time frame. I have been doing a lot of trading since.
I purchased 10 contracts of ZMH Oct. 55.0 Put at $1.55 on 9/19 and sold the contracts on 9/22 @ $3.50 . That was a nice $1950 profit in 3 days.
On your recommendation I purchased on 9/15 TZA 10 contracts of Oct. 46.0 Call at $5.50 and sold 5 of those contracts on 9/22 at $11.25. I now have all of my money back on this trade and I am now working on pure profit.
I also purchased on 9/20 TZA 10 contracts of Oct. 49.0 Call at $4.65 and sold 5 contracts on 9/22 at $9.70. Again I am now working on pure profit. I have all of my money back on this trade.
These are just my completed trades over the last few days. I have about 10 other transactions still at work and making money on all of them. I have one trade still going that I am making 300% right now an it is still working. Tomorrow I will be taking some money off of the table on this one.
You and your classes have been invaluable.
I just closed my positions today. I have been watching the market and yes it can go lower, but I decided it was time to take these in, since time might be running out and I am on vacation tomorrow.
43% return on CVX OCT 100 PUT
12.4% Return on SPY OCT 123 PUT
20.4 % Return on TZA OCT 44 PUT
28.8% Return on FAZ OCT 57 PUT
Overall a $2500 return or 23.6% on 4 trades in 9 days.
I placed these trades when the market shot up, so I was over 50% under water at one point, and bounced back in 3 days. The emotional rollercoaster is tough. I am happy with my gains. I hope next time I put some more thinking into the risk/reward aspect.
Lets see what happens tomorrow and next week. SP500 certainly tested 1120 and there are big sell offs everywhere. Looking forward to your update on today’s sell off.
This is a good start and yes, the system works. I needed some success after slumping all year long. I am excited to keep trading and making more moves.
Have a great weekend,
Jerry, below are my realized gains with only one small loss occurring within 5 trading days. Since we gapped down, I exited TZA before my sell limit but all others hit my mark with an automotive execution. I have another $2,200 unrealized gain that I am comfortable waiting for. Thank you for the advice. Ken
Description | Bought | Sold | Gain/ (Loss) |
10 GE puts | 1,377.49 | 2,192.34 | 814.85 |
5 FAZ calls | 3,963.74 | 10,960.98 | 6,997.24 |
5 XOM puts | 2,208.74 | 3,836.12 | 1,627.38 |
2 IBM puts | 1,551.49 | 1,138.48 | (413.01) |
10 PFE puts | 1,237.49 | 1,492.36 | 254.87 |
5 TZA calls | 3,513.74 | 7,761.05 | 4,247.31 |
Total Gain |
| $ 13,528.64 |
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
- FAS put bought 8/11 sold 9/6 for 6% gain
- XLF put bought 8/11 sold 9/6 keeping 5 calls till 9/13 for 23% gain
- FAZ call bought 10 contracts 8/30 sold 9 on gap up 9/6, (which you said was a gift), sold last call 9/13 for 213% gain
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Good morning Traders ! Yes, I have heard your many cries for comments. My email is filled with them. I have deliberately refrained from making any comments these last few weeks because I saw NO REASON to change my opinion on this market. Time has proven me correct. This market has preformed exactly as I expected it would within a 10% margin of error. (or less)...........Today is the occasion of my 54th birthday. The Good Book tells us that it is more blessed to give than to receive so with that thought in mind ,I wish to celebrate my advancing decrepitude by giving you my best call on how to play this market over the next few months. So , without any further ado , lets get to it. .....Some time ago , I said you could expect to see $100 swings in gold and $5 swings in silver in a single day. This came to pass some weeks ago. I am now telling you that this will soon be the norm. Maybe sooner than anyone is prepared for. Triple witch is once again upon us which means this is a buying opportunity. I made it loud and clear that the December 40 silver calls are the place to be. For Jerry's followers, that would be the Jan 40 SLV calls. These calls are in the money and pricey but I am VERY confident that they will be stellar performers. An interesting note here, triple witch falls a week before option expiration this month. A rare event. Hard to call how this will effect the closing price of the October options but I suspect a drop in gold to perhaps the $1750 level yet interestingly enough I don't really see much further drop in silver from its current level of around $40.50 . Regardless, whatever the metals drop too, it will be VERY SHORT LIVED. BUY YOUR CALLS NOW. You may not get another chance. Silver is about to make a VERY large move. I have NO DOUBT there will be a number of attempts by both the short selling banks and the government to interfere in this market to keep prices suppressed but I do not believe they are going to be able to control it. Time and this platform do not allow me the luxury of explaining the many variables affecting this market so I must ask that you consider my track record for accuracy over the last year and trust what I am saying here. And, YES, a very large amount of my money is where my mouth is. I'm not in this for chump change or beer money. I am positioned to make a very healthy 7 digits on this move. I DO NOT recommend you go all in on this. Trade ONLY what you are willing to lose. Good money management is mandatory for a successful trader. As a side note, watch for the banking sector to take a really big hit in the next few months. The big question everyone wants to know is where do I think the metals will end the year at? I hate sticking my neck out on this but...Gold...$2000 is highly probable, $2250 is likely and $2500 is certainly possible. Silver..... $55 to $60 is very highly probable, $80 is likely and $100 is certainly possible. Especially on an intra day move. Does that mean the metals will hold these levels? NO!!! Corrections are inevitable and WILL occur. The best way to play this market is to buy 10 plus options . Sell one third of your position when the first target is hit. Wait for the correction (if there is one) and the continuing rally to the second target to sell a second one third of your position. You should have VERY heavy profits at this point. If the third target is reached sell only 2/3rds or your remaining position and hold the last 1/10 position for a parabolic moonshot possibility. Do NOT expect this market to play out this way. The odds are very favorable that the first two targets will be reached but the last target is an educated guess that is very likely but has no guarantee. Once again, I do not make predictions on what a market will do. I simply analyse a market for all possibilities and by process of elimination select the probability of what I think is most likely to occur given the information I have available at the moment. And please remember, that information is constantly changing and can affect my opinion very quickly. ....I expect this market will become VERY volatile and brutal over the next few months. You must watch your positions daily. SELL when the targets are hit. Don't be greedy. We have a very long way to go with this market over the next few years. I will try to have short comments as needed over the next few months. Happy trades............Chaz Sept 15, 2011
Thank you Chaz! We all appreciate your contribution to this blog.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
i bought 150 faz weekly calls at $1.34 on Thursday September 8 , and sold them Friday for at $4.60 and made profit of $48,900 great call Jerry thanks again:)
Naseem S.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Norm From Minnesota.

Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I know I'm flip flopping a bit on gold, but I'm turning more bearish least in the short term. I think gold will drop to around 1700 before possibly making one more push higher. You can buy puts on the GLD and use a stop above Tuesday's high. Gold is up about $21 right now which would actually help the trade. If we gap up a bit on the GLD tomorrow, it will narrow the gap between the current price and Tuesday's high. This would increase the potential reward from a downward push and also reduce the risk of the trade by getting you closer to that Tuesday high. We'll see if things cooperate tomorrow. Silver could also drop, but that chart has been harder to read. You might notice that these would be counter trend trades. This is why I am using the previous high as a stop loss point.
If you can be patient with the trade, the FAZ is looking attractive again...for a call option trade. Much like the GLD, it would be nice if the FAZ dropped a bit more at the open in order to increase the reward and decrease the risk of the call option trade. The $52 to $53 area would be ideal. Hold off on any new trades if the market makes another strong move up tomorrow. We'll have to re-evaluate things. Anything over a 100 point move in the Dow (closing price) would cause me to sit tight for another day. If we move up strong early in the day and close well off the highs, that might be the reversal sign we are looking for.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Hi Jerry, I have another success story for you. I had been following NFLX and had made some money on puts with it recently, so I was glad when you recommended it. On 8/31, I bought 2puts at $14.70. This morning (9/2) with the gap down, I remembered your advice from course #1 ("take the gap, it's a gift"). Sold I sold both contracts today at $29.50 and $29.75 respectively for a total profit of $2958.88 !! Thanks you so much for all of your help! You're amazing. Looking forward to course #2 Mike from Colorado