Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Dear Jerry;
I obviously read the :BlogSpot" each time there is a posting. Lately I have paid close attention to the success stories. I do not write this out of any jealousy nor envy, and want you to know that I actually enjoy seeing the successes, even though I have not personally achieved anywhere near the levels of success that I read about in the "Blog".
In my past life/career I was undoubtedly a "quick study", and gained a respectable degree of success., yet it occurred over a 35 + year period of time. I have completed all three courses at this time, and continue to participate in the learning process each and everyday.
Although I can't boast of success (at least applying my definition of that word), I want to express certain things to you as stated simply below;
You are amongst the best teachers I have ever had, during a lifetime of learning. You are patient, understanding, highly competent, and as thorough as any Teacher/Mentor with whom I have ever been associated. I have worked with many high level educators. You are in a very small class of the "top of the top". I'm proud to be your student.
I have been under your tutelage since mid-September of 2010, and through all my frustrations over winning/losing trades, I have enjoyed every minute of the process.
Now for the good part. I feel as though I am coming into my own. I was negative quite a bit of money, and my win/loss ratio was too embarrassing to describe. During the past two months, I have become more relaxed, significantly more confident, and feel as though a momentum has kicked in that in my opinion would not have happened if it were not for my very hard work coupled with your guidance. I attribute 50% to each.
You will be happy to know that almost every trade during past eight weeks has been successful. You are aware that I am holding quite a few SLV contracts, but admittedly, not acquired through technical skills. I'm looking at those as "Crap Shoot" dollars, and I have developed in my mind little or no concern over them.
The fact of the matter is that I have momentum and I feel the skill kicking in more and more each day, and, most importantly, my daily or weekly trading decisions are well planned, my trade management practices are in full sinc, and my money management skills, are merely a continuation of past practices, which were successful, but fell through the cracks for a short period of time.
For my fellow students, should Jerry decide to publish this: I know the meaning of hard work. To some of you, making money as a Trader will come easier than for others. For many of us, it will not be as easy, and may take longer to become successful. But whatever the case may be, I have no doubt that if you are amongst the privileged students whom have learned under the teachings of Jerry McCann, and you use that knowledge carefully and professionally, you will succeed and most likely in a grander, more meaningful and successful way than you may ever have dreamed possible.
Jerry, your the best of the best!! What else could one say except thank you.
Michael / Arizona

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